
Whale spout


Watching the boats go by

View toward town

Take a ferry ride or a charter boat and see other villages

Star fish tide pooling

Seiner catching salmon

Sea lions on rocks

Sea lions in harbor

Sail boat

Rocket launch site at Narrow Cape


Pair of eagles

Paddle boarding


Near Island Bridge

More smaller islands to visit

Mama bear and cubs

Learning to fish

Launch sign

Kodiak second boat harbor


Fox on the rocks

Flight seeing over Kodiak

Fishing the rivers

Enjoy a flight on a small plane

Eagle with fish

Road signs

Downtown boat harbor

Doe and fawns going for a walk

Deer in front of cottage

Cleaning fish in boat harbor. Fish and chips tonight!

Charter a boat and catch a halibut

Cannon in Fort Abercrombie State Park

Bunker at Ft. Abercrombie

Bringing home dinner

Bear tracks in the snow

Beach flowers

Beach Bear